Guards at An Empty Tomb

Family Time Get-Together

Around God's Word

Week 7

Guards at An Empty Tomb

What is Reality

Watch the Myth Busters video with Adam Savage's famous quote.

Adam had predicted one outcome of their experiment duplicating a movie scene.  When he claimed he predicted it correctly, they replayed his original prediction ... he was wrong .. so he responded with his quote.

People sometimes deny reality.

Read the Scripture passage

Matthew 28:11 - 15  (Follow link to

Be listening for a government cover up. 

Answer the questions to the right

Base your answers on the passage

Printer friendly version of questions.


1. The women were on their way to spread the good news of the resurrection. Meanwhile, what were the guards doing?

2. What were the guards told to say had happened?



3. What was it that convinced the guards to give this version of the events?



4. Suppose you were one of the guards. What would have been some of your emotions, you thoughts about all of these events?



5. What were the specific facts they had to admit if they were honest?



6. Check out Adam Savage’s comment on a Myth Busters clip, “I reject your reality and substitute my own!” What causes a person to reject Truth?


7. Why are people willing to go to great lengths to cover up unpleasant truths?



8. Answer this question just between you and God, “In what area(s) of your life have you been covering up the truth and living a lie?”


9. Ask God to show you the first step you need to take today to live with more integrity, no matter how much it costs you.



Read the article of Solomon Asch's experiment of the perception of reality as influenced by the opinion of others. 

Discuss why people are persuaded to believe something that they can see is not true

The empty tomb was true.  Print out and  color the picture of the empty tomb.



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