The Man Born Blind

Family Time Get-Together

Around God's Word

Week 13

The Man Born Blind

Braille Secret Messages

Download the Braille messages and use the Braille alphabet to decode them



Read the Scripture passage

Read (Follow link to

Listen for an argument between the Pharisees and a former blind man 

Answer the questions to the right

Base your answers on the passage

Printer friendly version of questions.


  1. Jesus encounters a man who was born in blindness. What question did the disciples ask?

  2. Discuss why this question is, in our thinking, very foolish.

  3. What answer does Jesus give to their question?

  4. What procedure does Jesus go through in the healing process? It seems somewhat bizarre in our thinking, but you can read about some recent findings. 

Wound licking
Healing properties of saliva

  1. Discuss which of the following reasons would be the most likely reason that Jesus went through the procedure

    a. To add variety to His practices of healing people
    b. To provoke the Pharisees by breaking their Sabbath rules, since treating illness and making mud were considered work
    c. To gain the man’s confidence since saliva was believed to have healing properties 
    d. To give the man a part in the healing process

  2. Enumerate the sequence of accusations of the Pharisees and the responses of different people.

    Accusations Responses


  1. What lessons did the man born blind learn in each of the following areas?

    a. Physical

    b. Intellectual

    c. Spiritual

  2. What situations or events exist in your family’s life right now that God could use to display His mighty power?

  3. Pray together that God would use those events, either negative or positive, good or bad and display His power. Pray that you would grow and mature physically, intellectually, and spiritually. Pray that God would be glorified as He intervenes in your lives.


Read about the history of Braille as a means of communication for blind people

Read about missionary activity to blind people in India.

Here is a whole book about  William Moon who worked with the blind.  Found on Google Books

This website has  information  about various kinds of vision problems for older people

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